Guide for Authors

Faculty of Arts, Arish University publishes "Faculty of Arts Journal" in the Arab Republic of Egypt in annual volumes, each of which consists of four quarterly issues published in the first of March, June, September, and December. The journal publishes original manuscripts in all fields of Arts and related fields, the manuscript should not be published previously (except for the abstract or published as part of a lecture or a scientific thesis) and the editorial staff of the journal is not responsible for the facts and opinions published in the journal, but all responsibility lies with the author.

How to write your manuscript before submitting:

1- The manuscript is presented in the first phase of masterly written copy on the computer (at two distances with margins from the four sides each of not less than 4 cm and a maximum of 29 lines per page) or written in the final form of the journal.

2- The manuscript should be written in a scientific language, whether in English accompanied by an Arabic abstract and vice versa.

3- The manuscript should be comprehensive tables, drawings and pictures considering that they are written with a high degree of clarity and proficiency while avoiding minimizing them too much.

4- Dealing in matters of manuscript submitted between the manuscript owner and the administrative secretary of the journal.

5- The applicant shall pay the costs of scientific arbitration, technical review, and administrative expenses in advance. 

Search view:

1- The manuscript begins with the title (the middle letters capital words and written in the form of an inverted pyramid) and this must accurately reflect the content of the study.

2- Write the names of researchers and their affiliations (average) The first name of the first researcher begins with the first name of the family and then abbreviations, the second name and after the name begins with the initials and then the name of the family and the names below the headings (the beginnings of names and words only capital letters).

3- Determine the date of delivery of the search by adding the phrase (Received: … .., 20…) in the top left corner between the addresses of manuscripts and the abstract on the first page and (Revised:…., 20…) in the next line and (Accepted:…., 20…) in the next line and finally, Available Online in last line.

4- Abstract in the search language "Abstract" side and this should give a clear idea of ​​the purpose of the study and the way of work, and the results obtained in a specific summary in 250 words maximum.

5- Keywords (side) are written in a separate paragraph at the end of the manuscript abstract and include 3-5 words only related to the content of the search to indicate its content and separated from each other (,).

6- INTRODUCTION center of the column and these include the purpose of the study and its importance and retrieval of talk from previous studies related to the topic.

7- MATERIAL AND METHODS in the middle of the column, where the researchers must clarify the way of work and the use of tools and devices and must be in line with the latest practice in the world.

8- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in the middle of the column and in this section the researcher to explain accurately what you get the results are clearly presented either in tables, graphs or images and analyzed statistically whenever possible, and then interpret the results and explanations using sufficient and modern references. The conclusion can be included in the discussion (Results and discussion) depending on the requirements of the order.

9- The researcher should use the international measurement units (SIU) and the terms and abbreviations recognized (SA) in the general manuscript.

10- REFERENCES in the middle of the column, which is a list of all the supportive references mentioned to the student. the names of the authors shall be written in the references followed by the year of publication, the title of the manuscript, the abbreviations of the references, the volume, and the number of pages. Font Writing Search Font (12) Light.

11- ABSTRACT in Arabic the title of the manuscript should include in Arabic and the names of the researchers and their affiliations and be written in the Times New Roman font as follows:

             (A) The manuscript’s title in Arabic is written in an inverted pyramid form in font (14).

             (B) Researchers’ names and their work addresses written in font (13).

             (C) The body of the Arabic abstract is written in the font (12) light and is written in the normal system and not the column system.

Search Acceptance Procedures for Publication:

1- Two academic professors who are specialized in the subject of the manuscript shall be selected for arbitration by agreement between the journal editor and the editor in confidentiality and send a copy of the manuscript along with the form of the arbitration report. Period of issuance of one issue and a maximum of four researchers per volume.

2- After the arrival of the manuscript from the arbitration is transferred to the researcher to make the proposed amendments of the reviewers and write it on the computer using the program (Windows IBM Compatible Times New Roman / (M.S. Word provided in an area of ​​12.5 × 18 cm on 2 columns, column width 6 cm left with ½ cm between them and write notes The Arabic and English abstract for the manuscript in the normal system and not the two columns, taking into account the area of ​​the article written on page 12.5 × 18 cm taking into account the following:

  • The manuscript’s title is written (14) in a capital letter.
  • Writing the headlines of the manuscript (abstract - introduction - methods and materials used - results, discussions, and references) in the font (14) Bold capital letters.
  • Researchers’ names size (13) bold and their affiliations font size (12) normal.
  • Writing the manuscript board at the same distance between two columns system column width is 6 cm the distance between the columns is half cm and the length of the column is 18 cm size (12) normal.
  • English abstract should not exceed 250 words.

3- The researchers submit the manuscript in its final form from the reviewers to the administrative secretary of the journal which the final copy of the manuscript is registered.

  • Final copy of the manuscript should be reviewed with the two technical reviewers by the competent journal editor to approve the validity.
  • Tables and Figures must be written with high clarity and proficiency.
  • Researchers shall pay the prescribed printing fees to the administrative secretary of the journal after the approval of the editor and the editor of the journal.
  • Researchers receive the letter of acceptance of publication signed by the editor-in-chief of the journal and stamped with the seal of the journal's logo.
  • Issue of the journal will be delivered to researchers copies of their published manuscript after paying additional fees.

Editor-in-Chief may propose amendments to the Instructions and Directives to be approved by the Journal Board of Directors and Faculty Board.

How to write papers to be published in Arabic:

  • Write the main title of the manuscript in an inverted pyramid form Font (14) in bold capital letters.
  • The manuscript is written in font Times New Roman size (12) normal.
  • Write the title of the manuscript and the main titles of the manuscript (abstract - introduction - materials & methods – results & discussions and references) in size (14 in bold capital letters.
  • The names of researchers are written in size (13) bold and their affiliations are written in size of 12.
  • Abstract in English must include the names of researchers the name of the affiliation and the department in English font Times New Roman size (12) Bold.
  • Write the search board at the same distance between two columns system column width is 6 cm and the distance between the columns is half cm considering the area of ​​the article written on page 12.5 × 18 cm length of the column length 18 cm.

Statement of costs, review, subscriptions, publishing costs of the journal, and the prices of the journal issues in January issue 2022.

1st: Costs of subscriptions:

  1. Faculty members, their assistants, and researchers from:
  • Egypt L.E 100 annually.
  • Arab, African, and Asian countries $15 or its equivalent in L.E.
  • European countries $20 or its equivalent in L.E.

2- Other scientific researchers:

  • inside the Republic L.E. 300,
  • outside the Republic $250 annually, for six issues per year plus the cost of postage.

2nd: Costs of publishing the journal for researchers from Egypt:

1- L.E50/page for researchers and graduate students from outside the faculty.

2- L.E40/page for researchers and graduate students from inside the faculty.

3- L.E30/page for demonstrators and assistant lecturers from inside the faculty.

  • In addition to the above fees, Editorial board, Reviewers, Scientific Coordinator, annual membership and other items related to justify.

4- The price of the publication of the thesis abstract page (MSc., PhD) L.E 50 per page. 

3rd: Costs of publishing the journal for researchers from outside Egypt:

           1- From Arab, African and Asian countries, the page price is $15 or its equivalent in L.E.

           2- From European countries the price of the page $25 or its equivalent in L.E.

           * In addition to the above $40 or its equivalent in L.E for reviewing and editing and review the editor and writing and administrative expenses, with exemption from paying the annual subscription to the journal. 

4th: Selling prices of the journal issues (periodical - special):

  • Inside Egypt, the university and the faculty, the price of the copy is L.E 50.
  • Outside Egypt, $10 plus postage.

5th: These costs ​​are valid unless a decision is issued by the Board of Directors of the journal to amend them Subscriptions are sent in the name of: the Faculty of Arts, Arish University in cash or check. 

The common system to be followed in the presentation and writing of papers submitted in its various stages of publication in the journal

1st: Primary state:

It is intended as the image submitted by the manuscript for the first time to the journal in preparation for its conversion to scientific reviewers.

here follows:

  • The manuscript is written on the computer using Windows IBM Compatible Times New Roman /M.S. Word 12, stretched on plain A4 until the correction and preparation of the final copy.
  • The writing shall be in 2 spaces, with margins from the 4 sides, each of which shall not be less than 4 cm and with not exceeding 29 lines per page.
  • The number of pages of manuscript including tables, figures and drawings shall not exceed 30 pages.
  • Follow the general instructions contained in the executive regulations of the journal or in the media version of the journal (by the administrative secretary of the journal). 

2nd: Final state:

It means the final image submitted by the manuscript after the procedures of correction and completion of the observations of the scientific reviewers and the scientific coordinator of the journal and submit the original into account the following:

(A) Writing on the A4 page of excellent white paper on two separate columns of 12.5 cm for the whole line (divided into two parts each with a length of 6 cm and ½ cm interval). The full writing on the page is 18 cm.

(B) The following instructions must be strictly observed:

  • The title of the manuscript does not exceed 15 words and all the letters of his words Capital font (14) heavy Bold.
  • The word "By" is dispensed before the names and is preceded by the last name (which is written in small letters except the first letter is Capital). The number of the address of the owner under the names and considers the writing of the following abbreviations known as: Dept. Econ., Fac. of Commerce, Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt.
  • In all cases, the provisions of this Regulation under the title of the Basic Law and the Instructions for Publication (Part Two) of these Regulations shall be observed.

Mechanisms and rates of plagiarism detection

Ethical Responsibility of Peer Reviewing Editors:

- Editors of scientific journals may not accept papers that do not conform to ethical standards, since they will be responsible for any manuscript they publish.

- Editors should take all measures to ensure the accuracy of the material they publish. When they notice the publication of a grave mistake, misleading statements, or a distorted report, they should correct it immediately and in a prominent place.

- Persuasive critical comments on published manuscripts should be published.

- Avoid any conflict of interest that may affect the integrity of the search results such as:

  • Reviewers must disclose to the editors any conflict of interest that may affect their opinion in the manuscript, they should withdraw from its review if they sense a conflict of interest.
  • Editors should avoid selecting external reviewers who have a potential conflict of interest or work with authors in the same department or institution.
  • Reviewers should not use their knowledge of the work before it is published to promote their personal scientific interests.
  • The arbitrator of the scientific journal may not use or create any information contained in the manuscript that he arbitrates until the manuscript is published to preserve the confidentiality of the information and to preserve the intellectual property rights of the author (s) of the original manuscript.
  • Reviewers should disclose any material links with the sponsors. 

Establishing controls for funding manuscript:

  • Acceptance of support should not be conditional on inconsistency with controls. Manuscript.
  • The manuscript should be conducted in a correct scientific and methodological manner and the sponsor should not have any interference in the manuscript results or method of conducting it.
  • The State or any of its institutions should not be subjected to external pressure.
  • Funding agencies and organizations: No proposal may be funded by any international or national agency unless it clearly demonstrates the ethical aspects of the study and provides safeguards on the observation of ethical principles, including acceptance by the Commission of an institutional review. 

Faculty considers furniture misconduct in the following cases:

  • Violation of Accepted Practice.
  • Intentionally or unintentionally. (Intentionally or unintentionally).
  • Evidence of this violation.

In the case of reporting any misconduct in the manuscript, the case is referred to the Scientific Manuscript Ethics Committee, which reports directly on the case to Prof. Dr. / Rector for legal action. 


- Greenhow, C., Robelia, B., & Hughes, J. E. (2009). Learning, teaching, and scholarship in a digital age: Web 2.0 and classroom research: What path should we take now?. Educational researcher38(4), 246-259.‏

- Five types of plagiarism. NCSU Libraries. fivetypes.doc.

Retrieved on 10/12/2014.

- National Center for Faculty and Leadership Development (NCFLD). Program of Manuscript Ethics, trainee guide, 2011.

- Office for Manuscript Ethics and Integrity, Arish University.

Retrieved on 10/12/2014.

- ORI. Introduction to responsible conduct of manuscript.

Retrieved on 7/12/2014.

- The criteria for authorship by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (1985; 2002); how to write a scientific paper, Cambridge 2008, 2nd Ed. Pp 54-57.

Important Note:

"Faculty of Arts Journal", Faculty of Arts, Arish University, is committed to the rules of "responsible conduct in scientific manuscript".

Ethics publishing

Disciplines responsible conduct in the publication of scientific manuscript

Faculty of Arts, Arish University is committed to conducting the manuscript in accordance with the criteria drawn from international controls and which is keen on the financial and scientific integrity as follows:

Financial Secretariat:

  • Support should be used to offset expenses as agreed in the manuscript protocol when manuscript and project programs are supported by governments, international funds or shareholders.
  • The expense must be documented and provide accurate periodic and final financial reports.

Scientific Secretariat:

  • Respecting the intellectual property of others by referring to the sources from which the researcher drew the information he used.
  • Data must be collected carefully, accurately and without bewilderment by the researcher.
  • Rejection of misconduct in manuscript in all its forms.

Forms of misconduct in the manuscript:

  • Misconduct in a manuscript has many forms, such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, during the preparation, implementation, or writing of the manuscript at all stages.
  • Breaking the rules of authorship and peer reviewing are among the misconduct in the manuscript.

1st: Fabrication, intended work of the data or results of the manuscript has not been done from the original and publish these results Mille examples of fabrication:

  • Fill out interview questionnaires that were not originally conducted to increase the manuscript sample.
  • Create one or more group data for an experiment that has not taken place.
  • In clinical manuscript: the inclusion of one or more clinical notes for placebo patients.

2nd: Forgery Exclude, add or change the results of the scientific manuscript to reach the desired result desired by the researcher or the sponsor of the manuscript without the existence of scientific justification for this.

- Change the data to lead to false results.

  • Falsification of dates and procedures in the study records.
  • Falsification of the results of statistical analysis.
  • Add false data to the draft manuscript paper or manuscript paper desired to reach a desired result.
  • Distorting manuscript study materials or methods in the published manuscript paper.
  • Forging phone calls to collect data in surveys.
  • Falsification of data in the curriculum vitae of the researcher and submitted to the accredited bodies.

3rd: Plagiarism, (Scientific Theft) Plagiarism is the false claim of authorship, ie, the use of a person's intellectual production as the product of the person himself.

Types of plagiarism:

Unintentional Plagiarism:

Ignorance of the definition of plagiarism may be one of the reasons some might think that if the information is publicly available on the Internet, Others do not think that by changing the wording and words, the original author of the idea loses his intellectual property right.

Intentional plagiarism (Scientific Theft):

Where the researcher conveys the ideas or words of others rather than formulating by himself, whether mentioning the source or not, Examples of plagiarism include:

  • The researcher publishes the results of another researcher and attributes to himself.
  • Transfer some words or ideas to the author or other researcher without mentioning the source.
  • Do not put punctuation marks around the words taken from another author or researcher.
  • Change words with the transfer of the content of the sentence and not to mention the source.
  • Transport too much from multiple sources, whether the source is mentioned or not.
  • Moving several paragraphs in the same order of the original author because it is a plagiarism of the author's thinking.
  • Plagiarism is the publication of the same manuscript results in several manuscript papers without mentioning it.

4th: Authorship Rights and Ethics,

1. Author:

The author is among the researchers in the following cases:

  1. Participate in the idea and design of manuscript, or analysis and interpretation of data.
  2. Write or review the draft article accurately to verify the importance of its intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the text to be published.
  4. The solicitation of funding, data collection, or general supervision of the manuscript team alone does not justify the acquisition of author status as well as contributors.

2. Order of author names in the search:

In the case of manuscript derived from theses, the names are arranged as follows:

First Name: Student

Last name: Principal supervisor.

The remaining names are arranged according to their participation in the manuscript work by the main supervisor of the manuscript.

In case of non-derivative manuscript:

- The order of names according to the agreement between the members of the manuscript team before starting purely preferably registered in the boards of departments.

3. Primary or Corresponding Author has the following responsibilities:

  1. Accuracy of information presented in the manuscript.
  2. Order the names of participants in the manuscript.
  3. The final draft of the manuscript is approved by all participants in the manuscript
  4. Respond to all inquiries related to the manuscript.

Honorary Authorship:

It is prohibited to include the so-called honorary author in the manuscript. It is the process of including the names of authors who do not deserve the author's adjective on the published manuscript.

  1. Head of the department or program in which the manuscript was conducted.
  2. Who acts as a guide to the lead author.
  3. Senior manuscripts in the region.
  4. Who provided funding for the manuscript?
  5. Who provided the active substances or reagents used in the manuscript? 

5th: Publication & Peer reviewing,

Ethical standards for publication:

  1. Each author should have participated in the work sufficiently to take responsibility for the perpetrators about certain parts of the content.
  2. The work of the former researchers should be mentioned in the subject matter in question and the researchers should not attribute to themselves a prior idea or studied by others.
  3. He should indicate previous studies that may have given different results.
  4. The contribution of those who participated in the manuscript should be recognized and publicized.

References Style: APA  6th edition (American Psychological Association)